Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wow, I am a terrible blogger

So the whole point of this blog was to give me something to do while Chris was out of state. Now it's July & he's been home for two months and I haven't written a damn thing since February. I'm a little embarassed ;)

So now my excuse to blog is I have the whole summer off & it hasn't even been a full week yet- and sure enough, I'm bored to tears. Not that I want to go back to work or anything like that! I guess we will see if I can stay committed to this blog- for real this time!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The tale of the Hiding Underwear

This is quite possibly the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me in recent memory, but it's pretty funny too. So for Chris' last weekend home, this past Friday we went into Manhattan to see the Will Ferrell show (which was hysterical by the way!) We lucked out on priceline and got a great deal on a hotel overnight. Saturday morning, we get up & get ready for breakfast. I had indulged in some adult beverages & was feeling a little foggy. Well, I put all my clothes out and showered. As I'm getting dressed, I cannot, for the life of me, find the underwear that I swore I took out to wear. Shook my clothes out and everything. I chalked it up to the hangover. I wear another pair I had, get dressed, we go to a diner. Well....the waitress comes over for our order, and to my horror, screams out "DID ANYONE DROP THEIR UNDERWEAR???"...and there they are, my lost drawers, in all their glory...smack in the middle of the floor for all to see. I gasped instinctively and (did I ever mention that I have a terrible poker face?) then pretend to act as if I have no clue what it is or who they belong to. Meanwhile Chris is looking at them, trying to figure out where he's seen them before, then looks at me & sees my reaction and starts hysterical laughing. I didn't admit they were mine. Waitress lady, all dramatically swoops them up with some napkins. Chris was pissed, cause he liked them. I turned a brilliant shade of red. I couldn't enjoy my food due to my shame. Why couldn't it have been a sock?? or a dryer sheet??

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Georgia on my Mind

So Chris arrived safely in Georgia this past Wed. evening & has been settling in. He has officially began his training and I am patiently waiting for his graduation so he can come back home!

I fly out the evening before Valentine's Day and will get to visit with him for 10 days...yay for Winter Recess. This whole experience is teaching me a lot, and as much as I absolutely cannot stand being apart from Chris- in some ways I am grateful for this opportunity. It has really taught me to cherish the time you have with your loved ones. And, as ironic as this sounds, I feel like I'm learning a lot about marriage by being apart from Chris. All those things about love and sacrifice...and I think I'm finally understanding the meaning behind the phrase "marriage is work". I think it's easy to get stuck in a routine when it comes to relationships. And I think that the most important work you need to put into your marriage is keeping things fresh and exciting...and making sure that you always let your partner know how much you love them, regardless of how many times you've told them/shown them before. It's easy, and let's face it- it's human nature, to take your loved ones for granted. I never want my marriage to reach that point. It's hard to imagine life without your partner, but when you're forced to live apart from them, you realize (hardcore) how much all those silly little daily things matter. I never want to take any of that for granted. Every laugh, every's all special. So enough of my rant!

I do have to say, I have some of the most amazing friends on the planet...checking in on the both of us all the time- something else I promise to never take for granted :) You do really learn who you can count on when things get complicated.

I am really excited to go visit Chris, not to mention, the area he's at seems really really nice. I'll make sure to post some pictures! Thanks for listening :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!!

So luckily, Chris was off on New Year's Day & we rang in the New Year same way we have since we a hotel party! This year we were very happy that our friend (and best man) Frank, along with his lovely girlfriend Jen, joined us. We had a great time. The doggies especially love going to hotels with us. They love taking car rides and they love jumping on the big beds in the hotel room. Chris did have to work on NYE and we had to drive separately to the hotel. I used his GPS, which took me on quite the adventure (and it was snowing out). Then TomTom did my most favorite crazy move & told me I had reached my destination in the middle of the road, with my destination no where in sight. I eventually made it to the hotel and was happy to have a bottle of bubbly waiting for me :)

This year should be exciting, with Chris beginning his new job & all. I'll be happy when we can finally plan a vacation. I go back to work on Monday after almost two full weeks off. When's the next holiday??!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ringback Tones

I don't understand ringback tones. I get personalized ring TONES. But the ringback tone confuses me. What makes you think I want to listen to a song of your choosing while I wait for you to answer the damn phone? Even regular ring tones that are set too loud annoy me, and I'm guilty of that also. I get embarassed everytime Beyonce starts singing to the room full of people, who all turn and look for the idiot whose phone is singing on high blast. Yep, that's me...sorry bout that.

Like I've already mentioned in previous posts, I am a guidance counselor. Lots of times I have to call moms & dads. Some of the time, instead of "ring ring" I hear random songs playing for me. And in some cases, creepy songs. The Parent Ringback tones that stand out in recent memory the most are "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake and "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye. And I know for a fact it wasn't the kids giving out their own cell phone numbers so that I can't reach their parents because both times the parent answered. Do you think they thought to themselves, "Oh crap, it's my kid's school. Hope they don't think I'm waiting for my booty call because of this stupid ringback song" Probably not, otherwise they would've never chosen such a dumb ringback tone to begin with. One mom has a nice classical piece as her ringback tone. That's a nice, mature, professional choice. I actually enjoy calling her because it relaxes me. But then she always catches me off guard when she answers. I hate ringback tones, phones are meant to ring, not sing.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

My car is a piece of Garbage!

Today I had to sit in traffic on the BQE on a non-work day. That's the worst kind of traffic, because you really shouldn't be sitting in it. But, sure enough, 6 pm on a random Sunday and there's traffic on the BQE. The one thing you can always count on is that there will be traffic on the BQE.

My trusty Dodge Caliber is barely over a year old and it ain't so trusty anymore. It has a ton of mileage on it already, I know that. But the thing sits for more than 24 hours and it gives up. I let her rest for a few days over at Casa de Casale, trying to save some gas and miles (I have 10 months left on the lease and only another 4500 miles). The piece of garbage wanted some more beauty rest. I tried to start her up and she just was not having it. Finally it got going, but it felt like she was gonna give up before she got me home. I cannot wait to get rid of this thing. Aside from the fact that it's cursed, it feels like I'm playing Mario Kart Wii when I'm driving it. It's the worst. Don't buy/lease a Dodge.

Tomorrow is Chris' first day at his new job. I'm very excited for him. And we'll also get some more details on exactly what he'll be doing and what his schedule is gonna look like. Keep your fingers crossed that he has New Year's Day off!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

I can't figure this crap out!

So I have finally decided to enter the world of blogging...and it's way more confusing than I anticipated!

Well, first I guess I should introduce myself....I'm Maggie. I'm a newlywed. I married my amazing husband, Chris, on July 15th, 2008 on the gorgeous island of Bermuda. We were fortunate enough to have 24 of our closest friends and family join us on a 5 night cruise to the island. We also had an unwelcome guest, Hurricane Bertha. Big Bertha threw us for a bit of a loop and we had to be married a day later than we originally planned. Our awesome wedding planner, Kay-Annie of Kreative Koncepts, saved the day- you'd never know that Bertha nearly destroyed all of our plans. We had the time of our lives!

We spent the two weeks later in the summer cruising through the Mediterranean for our honeymoon. It was the vacation of a life-time- we enjoyed some of the best food & wine you could imagine!!

I am a NYC public high school Guidance Counselor. I have a long commute every morning, not so much because of the distance of my drive, but because there is always traffic on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. I usually have random thoughts on these long drives and figured I may as well organize it on a blog. Plus Chris is starting a new job which requires three months of training out of state & I'll need a hobby to keep me occupied. Maybe I'll even end up providing some kind of entertainment for you also :)